Monday, October 14, 2013


Needs some blocking, but it's OFF THE NEEDLES.
Part of me thought this day would never come, but it is here! The Plum Yummy baby blanket in iced mint Bernat Baby Coordinates is OFF THE NEEDLES! It's a bit trapezoidal, that's not just the photography, so I'm going to steam blast it and try to smooth it out a bit. But I was just too excited. Couldn't wait to post the picture!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What I've Been Up To

So it's been awhile since I've recorded my knitting. I haven't been knitting quite as faithfully as I used to, which is part of the reason for the lack of blogging. But I have recently picked it back up, and I have a few things to write about.

First are these cute little monsters:
Leila, Lydia, and Lucas - The Momma and Baby Monsters
I started them in January and just finished them about a week ago. As I mentioned...haven't been faithfully knitting. But I travelled in July and I packed the needles and got busy. Besides being cute, this had a secondary motivation of stash-busting. Gotta keep depleting my stash of all the excess! Rebecca Danger's Big Book of Knitted Monsters is one way I am choosing to accomplish this goal.

Second I've decided to make another attempt at crochet. I've actually had some moderate success this time, thanks to the fabulous Staci Perry of Very Pink Knits. She published a "Crochet for Knitters" series on YouTube, and I've successfully made three granny squares out of the same colors as the monsters (I have a lot of pink, and the green was already out and handy). I haven't photographed them yet, but I'll add them in the future if I think of it.

Third I've been doing some more needle research, especially because of my carpal tunnel issues. Knitter's Pride had some intriguing options: Cubics and Karbonz. Some have said that Cubics are easier on the hands not only because they are wood, but because of the shape. I really don't love wood, even though it's supposedly better for my hands, but I ordered a Knitter's Pride sampler that included some tips to try. I'd like to try the Karbonz, because I suspect I would like them better, but they are a bit more expensive, so I am going to wait for now.

I also got this pretty needle case from Knitter's Pride to hold my interchangeables (primarily Knit Picks Nickel Plated Options, but some Harmony and now some Knitter's Pride too). I think they are all the same company and the tips and cables all work together which is awesome. I got this case, and it is by far the best I've come across for my collection. It even has room for my handful of fixed circulars on the left and DPNs on the right side. It holds all my needles, cables, caps, keys and tags, and there is still a bit of room to grow. Perfect!
Manufacturer's Picture, not mine :)
Last I am still working on the never ending baby blanket. Less than 10 inches to go. 10 painfully long inches.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So many projects, so little time...

I've been doing a lot of planning and internet searching to decide what I want my next project to be. This is a little dangerous, because I am not done with my current project. I do occasionally need to remind myself to stop looking for inspiration on the internet and keep working on my socks.

So here are some of my ideas on what to do when I'm done with the socks:

  • Amigurumi animals - Loved these quick little projects, and they'd make good birthday presents for the  toddler twins I watch.
  • Found these cute things on Ravelry. Great baby gift for my friend expecting in October!
  • Why I am even considering a big project is beyond me, but I kinda sorta want to tackle my first sweater. Love this pattern, and it seems doable!
  • Oh, and I want to make some kitchen towels and cloths, but this isn't high on the priority list at the moment. Still seeking the perfect pattern. I would love to have them "embroidered" one as a hand towel and one as a dish towel. That's all I got so far :)

Back to my socks...the end is in sight! I hope to have these puppies completed in the next couple of weeks (maybe sooner if I really devote myself to the task). Here's my latest WIP picture:

On the sock blockers....less than an inch to go before starting the toe!

Friday, July 20, 2012

An Overdue Update

I'm still the slow pokin' knitter I've always been! Here I am 3 months from the start date with an update on a pair of socks that seems to take other people on Ravelry a month to do...but this isn't a competition, right?!?

Spice socks are still coming along. I got kinda bored with the ribbing on the leg of the sock: k2p2 OVER AND OVER AND OVER. But then I got to do the heel! Yay! And now?? k2p2 OVER AND OVER AND OVER! Haha. Well, almost, I'm still finishing the gusset stitches. I'm a little ADD, and it is hard to do the "boring" parts. But this is why it's good I'm knitting 2 at time, I guess. No way I'd want to do a second sock after doing the first one, lol.

But these are for my dear mother, so they are happening. Didn't get them done for Mother's Day. Didn't get the done for her birthday (2 days ago). Christmas, maybe? They will get done!

Progress as of June 2, 2012

Progress as of June 19, 2012

Where I am now! Leg ribbing done, heel flap done, heel turn done,
gusset stitches picked up and 1st few gusset decrease rows knit!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spice Socks Update

Here's my progress on the fair isle section:

Up Close
Both Socks

If you look at the time stamp on this post, you will see how late I stayed up tonight working on them. I have never stayed up late working on a knitting project. Knitting is more of an evening while I'm watching TV kind of thing, and I get tired after awhile and put it up. I really love working with all of the colors. But we shall see if I am still saying that when it comes time to weave in all those ends you see hanging from the top of the sock :)